Instagram Roundup

April 7, 2017


We’ve got another great roundup of Instagram posts in the hopper and we’re eager to share! Read on for a look at some of our favorite recent weddings!

Michelle and Michael – A father-daughter dance that brought tears to our eyes!

The father -daughter dance

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Monica and Jeremy – There’s nothing quite like that first moment as Mr. and Mrs.!


A post shared by Nathan Rico (@_n_rico_) on


Cortney and Kevin – We’re suckers for a beautiful first dance!

#firstdance #legallybrazil @cortcort21 @brazilk3

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Sarah and Jeff – Cheers to the newlyweds!

Best day ever. #kobernus2016

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Chris and Debby – A beautiful couple AND a beautiful sweetheart table!

Proudly serving Bay Area Weddings for over twenty years, Fantasy Sound aims to be engaged couples’ first stop- offering Disc Jockey, Videography, Event Lighting Décor and Wedding Planning services. They are fueled by great ideas paired with strong coffee, and will never turn down a piece of red velvet wedding cake.