June Events

June 5, 2015


Can you believe it’s already June? With summer just around the corner, we’re so excited for what the season has in store. This month, we’ll be hosting our monthly DJ meet-and-greet on June 27 between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m.

Haven’t been able to make it out before? Now’s the time to meet our top DJs and get to know what they can do for your wedding day! Invite the whole crew – we want to meet you and your loved ones and learn more about your big plans!

If interested, please RSVP with our online form so we can look forward to meeting you! Hope to see you there!

Proudly serving Bay Area Weddings for over twenty years, Fantasy Sound aims to be engaged couples’ first stop- offering Disc Jockey, Videography, Event Lighting Décor and Wedding Planning services. They are fueled by great ideas paired with strong coffee, and will never turn down a piece of red velvet wedding cake.