A Look Ahead at Fall Wedding Trends in 2022

August 23, 2022


As summer comes to a close, we cannot wait to see all the wedding trends popping up for the fall 2022 season! Fall wedding trends are to die for — there’s a reason October is the busiest wedding month for most regions!

Let’s dive into a few fall wedding trends on the horizon:

Virtual Save-the-Dates and RSVPs

Fall 2022 Wedding Trends

When push comes to shove, easy and cost-effective options are the way to go. Virtual save-the-dates save time and money for everyone involved. You don’t have to worry about wrong addresses or guests losing them in a pile of mail. You can send a text or email, and bam! You’re all set. 

If you dread spending hours addressing save-the-dates and placing stamps on just right, the virtual route is a perfect solution. With wedding websites, it’s never been easier to keep track of your guest list and manage your RSVPs, so you might as well keep it all in one place!

Wedding Weekend Getaways

Wedding Trends for Fall

With travel back on everyone’s agenda, weddings are becoming a wonderful excuse for a getaway. Turning destination or out-of-state weddings into long weekends is a mini vacation waiting to happen! After the travel hiatus of the century, people are chomping at the bit to spend time outside of their familiar areas. 

Bold Colors

Colorful Fall Wedding

After what seems like years of neutral colors in wedding décor, vibrant is back! Big, bold, beautiful colors are making their grand re-entrance into weddings this fall. With colors livening up the party and giving decor a personality, the party is only just beginning. Whether couples are starting with small pops of color or diving headfirst into the world of Pantone, we are excited to see it happen!

Honeymoon Registries

Trends for Fall 2022 Weddings

As the average age of couples getting married continues to climb, wedding gifts aren’t necessary like they used to be. Couples have already #adulted for awhile and likely own everything they need, so instead of upgrading to a new toaster, many are choosing to indulge in adventure! 

Free honeymoon registries have increased in popularity, with wedding goers free to contribute to a honeymoon fund with a thoughtful note. Couples can also send a thank you note right from the website. The ease, convenience, and benefit for all involved makes life a (beachy) breeze!


Trending for Fall 2022 in Weddings

The vintage style takeover hasn’t stopped at the wedding industry. Pearls have made a huge comeback and we are here for it! The beauty, grace, and elegance of the vintage aesthetic make pearls an easy decision for decor, jewelry, or accents on veils, dresses, or shoes. 

As summer begins to wind down and we start to pack up our sandals, we can all look forward to enjoying the fun and fresh wedding trends fall will bring. We can’t wait to see these trends in action — so whether you are attending, planning, or celebrating your wedding, enjoy!